4 Rs: Son Power Seals, Reveals, and Deals!
4 Rs: Son Power Seals, Reveals, and Deals
“For in him we live and move and exist. As some of your own poets have said, ‘We are his offspring.’” (Acts 17:28)
Once we accept Jesus Christ into our life, Son Power is all encompassing. It affects all aspects of our relationship with God.
Our relationship with God is established when the Holy Spirit seals us at the time we believe and trust in Jesus Christ to be our Lord and Savior. We are his offspring in the sense we are now children of God, heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ.
We are in his “bloodline” because of the blood of Christ which pays for our sin. This is a relationship that cannot be broken (as noted by a multitude of passages in the Bible).
The establishment of our relationship with God is just the beginning step. We soon discover through revelation that Son Power will now deal with us for the rest of our life in this world.
We live in the Spirit. We are to walk in the Spirit. By the Spirit we put to death our sins. The Spirit renews and transforms us through exposure to the Word of God. The Spirit is the one who reveals the will of God to us by teaching the meaning of the Word of God to us.
We must trust in Christ to live his life in and through us to the same degree that we must trust in him for our initial salvation. Son Power is only released in our lives to the degree we trust Christ to live his life in us by faith. We must rest in the salvation of Christ and stop trusting in our own power. He does the heavy lifting for us.
Steps of redemptive faith include asking the Holy Spirit to release his power in us, taking control of how we think, feel, and act. This enables the law of faith in Christ to empower us.
We must be sure to confess and repent of any sin that may be in our life. Failure to take this important step will short circuit the power of the Holy Spirit.
Talk to God
Father, just as I received Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior by faith, you have revealed to me I must exercise the same faith and trust in him to live a life that embodies all that you taught. I am powerless to do so in my own strength. Thank you for showing me that as I pray in faith I can expect to be delivered from my own desires by the power of the Spirit. Amen.