

Lord God, you are a welcoming God, inviting all people to become part of your people. Open my heart to welcome those I meet, extending your kingdom of love and keeping your covenant. In your holy name, I pray. Amen.

The Loaf of Time!

                                        The Loaf of Time I think of daily time like daily bread. Each one of us has a “loaf” of time, if you will. Each day consumes one slice, and the loaf becomes smaller as time passes. We eventually realize this, to our dismay, and it becomes so very important to use our given time wisely—to make our lives count for something meaningful.  That’s what  Kingdom of God  is all about: knowing and experiencing the benefits of joyfully trading  earthly, temporary gratification for something that will last forever. The movie  Gladiator  opens with a scene in which the Roman General Maximus is getting his troops excited before they go into battle against barbarians in Germany. He rides his horse back and forth at the head of the line, and he shouts so that all his troops can hear him, “What we do in life echoes in eternity!” This statement is true on every battlefield, whether in a deep forest with the Roman army or in the ordinary decisions you make in the


  Holy God, I sing and shout for joy because of your faithfulness, and I trust in your promises and in your never-ending love. Amen.

The Strategic Few!

  The Strategic Few Many people choose what is easy. Few people champion the kind of principles we’re discussing with  Kingdom of God  . Fewer still are those who will live them out. Being intentional about the use of our time, talent, and treasure is difficult. So we may not be surrounded by a great crowd of enthusiastic adherents to these ideas. But they are still true. They actually work in this life, bringing great joy and contentment. The real question is this:  “Am I going to aspire to be one of the few strategic Christians in this world who lives out the incredible truths of  KingdomNomics , rather than simply talking about them … or will I take the easy way that leads to unprofitable results?” Will you look back from the vantage point of eternity and know you’ve made the right things, or will you have ultimately made poor decisions? It’s true that  Kingdom of God  principles have incredible benefits here and now—but they also require discipline, wisdom, and sacrifice. We live i

The Final Say!

  The suffering won’t last forever. It won’t be long before this generous God who has great plans for us in Christ—eternal and glorious plans they are!—will have you put together and on your feet for good. He gets the last word; yes, he does. 1 Peter 5:10–11 The Final Say You may be in a season of suffering and struggle. You may feel that your health, your marriage, or your finances are never going to get better. No, God Himself is about to step in and do what only He can do. When you see how He restores and brings you out better, your mourning will turn into dancing, your sorrow into joy, your weeping into laughter. Don’t believe the lies that you’ll always be lonely, you’ll always mourn the loss, always be brokenhearted. No, your time is coming. God says, “It won’t be long until I have you back on your feet.” It won’t be long until your health turns around, until your child gets back on course, until the situation in your marriage resolves. It may look as though the enemy has won. Th

Three Kinds of Believers!

  Three Kinds of Believers I’m something of a student of human behavior, and I’ve come to some conclusions about how most people in the world relate to God and his gifts. With regard to those who do make some kind of attempt to serve God, I’ve observed that there are basically three kinds of believers in this world. 1. Earthly-minded Believers The first category of people I’ve identified is a large one, perhaps because it requires the least thought. These believers accept what God has given them and use their resources for their own comfort, pleasure, and personal gratification. The Earthly-minded Believer sees money the way nearly everyone else does. He wants to keep as much of it as possible, and use it for his own personal enjoyment of life. There’s nothing wrong with enjoying the financial fruits of our labor. God wants us to do so. The important question is this: Are you spending completely on things that pass away like a vapor—or are you investing significantly in the things of G

The Light in You!

  The eye is the lamp of the body. So if your eye is sound, your entire body will be full of light. But if your eye is unsound, your whole body will be full of darkness. If then the very light in you [your conscience] is darkened, how dense is that darkness! Matthew 6:22–23 The Light in You Jesus says that the lamp of the body is the eye. Your “spiritual eye” is your conscience. He adds that if the eye is clear, if your conscience is clear, life is good. You’re going to be happy, filled with light. You will have a positive vision and will enjoy God’s blessings. But many people are living with a heaviness, a darkness, hanging over their lives. They have some nagging feeling, something’s always bothering them. They’re not happy. The problem is they don’t have a clear conscience. They’ve ignored the warnings for too long. When we’re not doing what we know we should be doing in certain areas, our lives get darkened and heavy. Maybe God is dealing with you about having a better attitude, ab