
Showing posts from March, 2025


  Psalm 62: Today’s psalm begins with the writer expressing complete trust in God, even when experiencing adversity. The writer warns against depending on violence and riches and affirms that salvation is dependent on God alone. Today’s Key Verse: Psalm 62:5 I depend on God alone; I put my hope in him. Reading 62  I wait patiently for God to save me;     I depend on him alone. 2  He alone protects and saves me;     he is my defender,     and I shall never be defeated. 3  How much longer will all of you attack someone     who is no stronger than a broken-down fence? 4  You only want to bring him down from his place of honor;     you take pleasure in lies. You speak words of blessing,     but in your heart you curse him. 5  I depend on God alone;     I put my hope in him. 6  He alone protects and saves me;  ...

The Power to Change Belongs to God!

  The Power to Change Belongs to God Scripture: Job 26:8-14 How awesome is our God! In Job 26:8-14 we are told, among other things, that he hangs the earth on nothing, and that he  stirs up the sea with his power, and by his Spirit he adorned the heavens. The power and scope of his workings are beyond human comprehension. Even with the revelation of these truths we are told that, “Indeed these are the mere edges of his ways.” We have so much more to see, understand, and experience in our relationship with God. This is why Paul said he can do more than what we can ask, think, or imagine by his incredible and immeasurable power that is at work on the inside of us and in our circumstances. Today, ask yourself: Does my view of God take into account the unlimited attributes of his capacities? Do I believe he can accomplish anything he desires to do in the heart of a willing Christian who trusts in him? Ask God to help you to see him for who he really is: Almighty God!

When You’re Paralyzed by Emotions, Turn To Prayer!

  When You’re Paralyzed by Emotions, Turn to Prayer “The king cried out . . . ‘Please ask the LORD your God to restore my hand again!’ So the man of God prayed to the LORD, and the king’s hand was restored and he could move it again.” 1 Kings 13:6 (NLT) Have you ever been paralyzed by emotions, such as grief, fear, guilt, or shame? I have. You may think you can’t do anything about your emotions—but that just isn’t true. When you’re paralyzed by your emotions, prayer helps you recover. There’s a man in the Old Testament named King Jeroboam who got emotionally involved in a situation. God sent another man to tell him news about the future, and the king didn’t like what he heard. In fact, King Jeroboam got so mad he flew into a rage—all because he didn’t want to hear the truth about himself and what was to come. Has that ever been true of you? Maybe you didn’t like being told some bad news. Or you didn’t like being told that you were causing problems, so you responded emotionally. Tha...

Ask God To Shine His Favor on Your Life!

  Ask God to Shine His Favor on Your Life Scripture: Luke 18:41 “What do you want me to do for you?” “Lord, I want to see,” he replied. In Luke 18:41, Jesus asks the question, “What do you want me to do for you?” He asks the same question for us. What would you like Jesus to do for you today? Would you ask him for something that you know is in accordance with his will, something that will echo into eternity? Or would you ask for some perishable item that has no eternal benefit? The Kingdom of God thinker allows his mind to be transformed through the principles of  SOAK ,  SOW , and  FLOW  so that his life is brought more into conformance with the will of God. This way God can empower and bless his life. His will includes our asking for a spirit of revelation and understanding, having his will become our will, and asking that he will shine with favor on our lives and endeavors for helping in the expansion of his kingdom. Today, ask yourself: Have I made room in m...


  GO ALL IN “If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve…but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” — Joshua 24:15  There is no middle ground in God. Like the Israelites of old, we must chose who we’re going to follow: either God or the world. We can’t serve both. If we’re going to follow the Lord, we must take our stand, realizing that may mean being rejected for the cause of Christ. We must be His light in the earth, even if it hurts. Those who want to be accepted by the world can choose the world. They can adopt the posture of the ungodly and reap the consequences. But if we say we’re choosing the Lord, then let’s do it! Let’s live like we belong to Him. Let’s cleanse ourselves of the things that defile us so we’ll be useful to the Master and prepared for every good work. There is no room for compromise. Jesus spits the lukewarm out of His mouth. Yeshua said straight and narrow is the way that leads to lif...

God Takes the Little and Does Big Things!

God Takes the Little and Does Big Things Scripture: John 6 In John 6 we read about the feeding of the 5000 by Jesus. We learn a tremendous Kingdom of God principle from the small lad in the story who had two small fish and five barley loaves of bread. In verse 9 the disciple Andrew questions how so little could be relevant in feeding a multitude of people. Jesus took what was little or insignificant in the view of the world, and miraculously used it to feed the 5000! What does this say to us? God can take our  time, talent,  and  treasure , even though we think they are small and insignificant, and exponentially multiply them for the advancement of his kingdom in this world. We all want to be “two fish and five loaves people” willing to share so Jesus can do great things through us as we make ourselves available to him. This lad’s life echoes through eternity because he was willing to share what he had as he yielded himself to the purposes of God. Today, ask yourself: Am ...


  STILL SMALL VOICE “…and after the earthquake a fire, but the  Lord  was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice.” — 1 Kings 19:12, NKJV In Revelation 2, Jesus said: “The one who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.” Obviously, Yeshua is saying: “When you hear the Spirit speaking, listen.” To hear the Holy Spirit we must be actively listening.  To detect the Holy Spirit’s voice, we need to develop the art of  intuitive listening . A practical way to develop this sensitivity to the Spirit’s leading is to begin each day by spending alone time with God. During this time we simply look up, sit quietly before Him, and know that He is God. I often listen to gentle worship music during this devotional time. Beloved one, if we are not disciplining ourselves by sitting before Him and simply being still, we will miss so many of the benefits of being His children. The prophet Elijah said the Lord spoke in a “still small voice...

So You Have a Self- Serve Mentality?

  Do You Have a Self-Serve Mentality? Scripture: Luke 6:38 “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” In Luke 6:38, Jesus tells us that as we give it will be given back to us in good measure, pressed down, and shaken together along life’s way. The other day I drove into a gas station and I saw a sign in big letters, SELF SERVE, over the gas pumps. Before I became a practitioner of Kingdom of God , my attitude was the SELF-SERVE MENTALITY. When I pulled up to anything I wanted, in effect, I said to myself, “FILL’ER UP!” The principles of Kingdom of God  teach us life does not consist of the abundance of things, and that we should labor for the food that leads to eternal life. We find an increasing life of fulfillment as we practice giving or investing in what matters to the Lord Jesus Christ. When the “time bubble” in which we fi...


  TELL THE TRUTH, EVEN WHEN IT COSTS YOU “So have I become your enemy by telling you the truth?” — Galatians 4:16   There is a price to pay, beloved one, for telling the truth. This is a reality we all must come to grips with. If our motivation is pure, we cannot allow the fact that the truth may be upsetting to someone stop us from saying it. Our words, though they may sting at first, often will produce positive change in the person’s life. When Paul spoke the truth to the saints in Galatia, they turned on him, and we may experience the same thing. This is the price we must be willing to pay if we’re going to be truth tellers.  Of course, we must examine our own hearts first. Telling the truth doesn’t mean we share everything we think. It means saying what the Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of Truth, prompts us to speak.  Oftentimes we think we’re loving to people by not saying something we think might offend them. But not telling someone the truth is sometimes...

The World is Passing Away Before Our Eyes!

  The World is Passing Away Before Our Eyes! Scripture: 1 John 2:17 The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever. In 1 John 2:17, we are reminded that the world and the lust of it is passing away, but the person who does the will of God will live forever. These words hit me like a bullet between the eyes. In my own life so many of things I considered so important over the years are now gone! The company I worked for is now gone. Boards of companies I served on are now gone. Just through the aging process, we can see how we ourselves are “passing away.” Our bodies are temporary. Let’s face it. We are only renting or leasing them, having to turn them in at the end of the lease term. The Bible has so many references regarding the brevity of life. One is our life is like a breath that passes by and does not return. Wow! That is really brief! The Kingdom of God  thinker develops the attitude, “I am going to live forever!” Because of this ...


  CLING TO GOD “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” — John 10:10 That promise really impacted me when I was young in my faith. I believed Jesus was going to raise me up to a place of victory in the Spirit, where I would have complete peace and freedom in Him. But when I looked at other followers of Yeshua, I did not see the victory I desired. They did not seem to be free or living victoriously. We all go through challenges, but many believers appeared to be beaten down and walking in defeat. I asked the Lord why so many of His people weren’t living an abundant life in Him, and after waiting on Him several days, I clearly sensed the Holy Spirit say, “You are seeing what you are seeing because My people are not trusting Me.” As He spoke, the words “trusting Me” burst with new meaning. By “trusting,” the Lord meant “clinging.” Beloved one, we must cling to God if we are to have supernatural power to overcome the devil and experience freedom and vict...

Have You Experienced the Third Conversation?

  Have You Experienced the Third Conversion? “Lord, Lord, I give…” Giving is at the core of the Christian life. In this account, a tax collector, Zacchaeus, took extraordinary measures to see Jesus. He took advantage of the one opportunity in his life when he could possibly meet him. He ran ahead of the crowd, climbed a tree in order to see Jesus, and when Jesus called him, he responded by coming down and meeting him. He did not care what the crowd thought. When he heard the voice of Jesus penetrating through the noise of the crowd, he listened and obeyed. For Zacchaeus, the encounter was LIFE CHANGING!  Not only was his spirit and soul converted, but also his “purse” or pocketbook was converted. Martin Luther referred to the willingness to give as a  third conversion . Zacchaeus reflected the change that occurs in the life of a person who truly accepts and trusts in Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. He gave with an “I want to give attitude,” not grudgingly or under co...


Psalm 27: Today’s psalm expresses confidence and trust in God, even in the middle of an enemy attack. Trusting in God’s care, the writer desires to seek God’s guidance and to live in God’s house. Today’s Key Verse: Psalm 27:1 The LORD is my light and my salvation; I will fear no one. The LORD protects me from all danger; I will never be afraid. Reading 27  The Lord is my light and my salvation;     I will fear no one. The Lord protects me from all danger;     I will never be afraid. 2  When evil people attack me and try to kill me,     they stumble and fall. 3  Even if a whole army surrounds me,     I will not be afraid; even if enemies attack me,     I will still trust God. 4  I have asked the Lord for one thing;     one thing only do I want: to live in the Lord's house all my life,     to marv...

Accessing God’s Counsel!

  Accessing God’s Counsel Scripture: Jeremiah 32:19 “ You are great in counsel and mighty in work, for your eyes are open to all the ways of the sons of men, to give everyone according to his ways and according to the fruit of his doings. ” (Jeremiah 32:19) Son Power  enables us to tap into the great counsel, power, and work of God when our lives are in harmony with his will. How many times have you heard from someone that “Christianity just doesn’t work for me.” This type of attitude is self-centered and contrary to the will of God. Our relationship with God is not about the three amigos of  Me, Myself, and I . God is interested in  his  glory and the fulfillment of  his  will and purposes. He wants to see Christ being formed in us. He wants us transformed into the likeness of Jesus! This can only happen when we have a right relationship with Christ, so that his life and will can be worked out in us. God sees everything. His eyes are open to all the w...


  Introduction Psalm 25: For the month of March, we will be reading selected passages from the book of Psalms. This ancient collection of prayers and songs features requests for God’s help, praises to God, poems of enduring wisdom, and much more. The psalms express every possible human feeling, including sorrow and joy, doubt and trust, pain and comfort, despair and hope, anger and contentment, the desire for revenge, and the willingness to forgive. As models of prayer and praise, they invite people to share every aspect of our lives with God. Today’s psalm is a prayer for guidance, protection, and forgiveness. It includes a series of petitions along with affirmations of trust in God. The writer speaks of the LORD God as our teacher; to learn requires reverence for the LORD. Today’s Key Verse: Psalm 25:4 Teach me your ways, O LORD; make them known to me. Reading To you, O Lord, I offer my prayer; 2      in you, my God, I trust. Save me from the shame o...

God’s Power and Work!

  God’s Power and Work Scripture: Isaiah 43:13 “ Indeed before the day was, I am He; and there is no one who can deliver out of My hand; I work, and who will reverse it? ” (Isaiah 43:13) This “power verse” paints a picture of how  Son Power  is the ultimate power. No one can deliver anything out of the hand of God. He is all-powerful. All things are subject to him. God makes it very clear that when he works, or declares that something is to be done, it will be done! He asks a redundant question, “Who will reverse it?” Obviously, no one can reverse the work of God. When he chooses to bless, blessings will come. When he chooses to have his judgment fall on an individual or a nation, no can do anything about it. This truth provides an incentive for us to want to be recipients of Son Power. We want God to do imperishable works in us and through us. We want him to grant us the power, capacity, and opportunity to accomplish great things for him. His plan and purpose is marching...