
Showing posts from March, 2019

Applying Son Power to Your Treasure!

Applying Son Power to Your Treasure As we soak our minds and hearts in the truth of God’s Word, we are empowered by the Holy Spirit to pursue and accomplish his work not only in this world but for the world to come. The Bible clearly says,  “Keep away from anything that might take God’s place in your hearts”  (1 John 5:21). No matter how you define your personal “treasure,” it is important to remember that these things in and of themselves are not wrong. However, if they  take the place of God  in your life, then you have a big problem. As our heart and mind becomes more in tune with the Holy Spirit, our desire to invest in God’s kingdom should increasingly trump the desire to keep investing in the perishable things of this world. All that we have been entrusted with needs to come under the direction of God. Son Power can transform us from the inside so that we will be able to discern the ways in which God wants us to use this treasure. Treasure is an amaz...


Sovereign God, your faithfulness endures for all time. Teach me to obey you and to do your will. Order my steps this day. I thank and praise you for your steadfast love. Amen.

Applying Son Power to Your Talent!

Applying Son Power to Your Talent. Every person has been given a gift or talent from God, and some people may have multiple gifts. The use of talent resembles the use of time and treasure in that it can be spent achieving earthly goals like fame, prestige, pleasure, stuff, money, and power, or it can be invested in the kingdom of God. There are different kinds of spiritual gifts, but the same Spirit is the source of them all. There are different kinds of service, but we serve the same Lord. God works in different ways, but it is the same God who does the work in all of us. A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other. To one person the Spirit gives the ability to give wise advice; to another the same Spirit gives a message of special knowledge. The same Spirit gives great faith to another, and to someone else the one Spirit gives the gift of healing. He gives one person the power to perform miracles, and another the ability to prophesy. He gives someone el...


All-Powerful God, your thoughts are not like mine, and your ways are different from mine. You are a God of justice and mercy. Teach me your ways, O God, and help me to live in accord with your will. Amen.

Applying Son Power to Your Time!

Applying Son Power to Your Time. Jesus said,  “I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End” (Revelation 22:13). Jesus Christ is not only the beginning and the end, but he is also everything else in between. The apostle Paul said,  “For to me, to live is Christ”  (Philippians 1:21, NIV) and  “Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth”  (Colossians 3:2). We are to live for him, glorify him, and finish the work he has given us to do. So here is my question for you:  Are you actually living your life with this purpose? My Days Are Numbered! Every person on earth is given twenty-four hours each day, with sixty minutes in every hour. God allows each one of us to choose what we want to do with those minutes and hours. Psalm 90:12 says,  “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom”   Because of our  relationship  with our heavenly Father, we can count on him...

Forget What Lies Behind!

"...But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead." (Philippians 3:13) Forget What Lies Behind Many people don’t fully understand what it means to forget the past. One definition of the word "forget" is "to disregard intentionally, or to overlook." You have to intentionally disregard your past so that it doesn’t keep you from moving forward. That means the good and the bad. If we’re not careful, even our past victories can keep us from rising higher if we get too comfortable where we are. God wants to take us from glory to glory, but if we don’t let go of the old, we’ll never be able to embrace the new. It’s time to forget what lies behind. Put it away once and for all. When you release it, it’s an act of your faith. Focus all your energy on moving forward. Trust that God has new levels of victory, peace and favor. Trust that He’s working behind the scenes on your behalf. As you forget what lies behi...

Facing Spiritual Opposition Head On!

Facing Spritual Oppositio Head On. Let’s face it, the difficulties we see and experience on a daily basis are beyond our ability to fix. Satan is doing everything he can to convince us that we really don’t need God or his power working in us, for us, or through us. How do we deal with the opposition we inevitably are encountering? In our life, We have found that we need to engage powerful weapons when it comes to protecting ourself against Satan’s schemes. Satan will use whatever means he can to devour our time, talent, and treasure and to keep us from using our resources for God’s purposes and his glory. Over time We have discovered five “Power Weapons” for fighting against Satan. These weapons are entirely dependent on God’s power and not my own. Power Weapon 1: Call on God Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.                             ...

Friend of God!

"And the scripture was fulfilled that says, "Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness," and he was called God’s friend." (James 2:23) Friend of God The all-knowing, all-powerful Creator of the universe wants to be your friend today. That’s why He created you—first and foremost—to have a loving relationship with you. It’s as simple as opening your heart to Him. If you have faith in God today, then just like Abraham, you are God’s friend. The Bible says that God is a friend that sticks closer than a brother. That means He is faithful. He will never leave you. He will never forsake you. He is with you always. He is mindful of you—that means He is always thinking of you. What an honor and privilege it is to be called God’s friend! Let that sink down into your heart today. The next time the enemy tries to tell you that you are alone in this world, or that no one else understands what you are going through, just say out loud, “I am a...

Son Power 101: Son Power is Anchored in God’s Word!

Son Power101: Son Power is Anchored in God's Word. The Word of God is like a diamond; it has many facets. Its applications are numerous. It is living and powerful, and it works in those who receive and trust in it as God’s revealed will for us. We can read passages multiple times, and depending on our needs at the moment, we can discover a new or different application that speaks to our heart and specific situation. Once we enter into a relationship with God, an expanded viewpoint of how his Word works in us and through us enables us to take one verse, a series of verses, or even verses that are related but in different parts of the Bible, and study them together, applying them directly to the circumstances in our life. This approach often leads to a deeper understanding and multiple strategies for making Son-powered living a reality in our life. In the very first  book I outlined the principle of “Soak, Sow, and Flow.” We need to  soak  our minds in God’s...

He Will Do Great Things!

"Fear not, O land; be glad and rejoice: for the LORD will do great things." (Joel 2:21) He Will Do Great Things God wants to do great things in your life! Notice this verse starts out by saying “fear not.” Fear is the greatest weapon the enemy uses to try to hold you back. Fear is not from God. It is designed to paralyze you and keep you from God's blessings. Don’t ever let fear be a factor in the choices you make in life. Overcome fear by meditating on the promises of God’s love and goodness. Perfect love casts out all fear. When you understand the love of God, you have nothing to fear. You know the Lord will do great things! Let that sink down into your spirit today. Meditate on this verse and declare it out loud every day. As you study God’s Word, your faith will grow and fear will be gone from your life. You’ll know His love, and you will experience His goodness in every area of your life! A Prayer for Today "Heavenly Father, thank You for go...

Rising to Son Power!

Rising to son Power Picture in your mind for a moment a sunrise. Sun rays bursting forth, beautiful color, incredible potential, hope for a new day. The sun, the source of unbelievable and, for all practical purposes, virtually unlimited power. The sun, the focus of our existence as the earth revolves around it. Without the sun, life as we know it would be non-existent. The sun is the source of light and power for our entire planetary system. Without the sun, we would be in complete darkness. Night and day are determined by the sunrise and sunset. The sun gives us illumination that scatters the darkness so we can see and observe by the natural eye the things that are hidden without its light. How confining life would be without it’s light! The rays of the sun provide warmth, light, and power. Without the sun, we would have no plant life or food to sustain us. Without the sun, life on earth would not exist. Jesus Christ, God’s Son A little more than 2,000 years ago, ...

Just One Thing

"There is really only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it—and I won't take it away from her!" (Luke 10:42) Just One Thing You can learn a lot from the story of Jesus' visit to the home of Martha and Mary. While Martha busied herself preparing a meal, Mary sat at Jesus' feet listening to what He was teaching. When Martha realized that Mary wasn't helping her, she marched over, interrupted Jesus, and said, "Lord, this isn't fair. I'm in here doing all the work and she just sits here!" Jesus' reply must have stunned her: "Martha, you're stressed out about so many different things. Only one thing really matters, and Mary has chosen what's best." In effect, Jesus was telling Martha to slow down and enjoy the moment. He could easily be saying the same thing to you! It's good to be a hard worker, but it's important that you know how to put your work aside and enjoy the blessings H...

Three Kinds of Believers!

Three Kinds of Believers. Are you spending completely on things that pass away like a vapor–or are you investing significantly in the things of God, which do not? I’m something of a student of human behavior, and I’ve come to some conclusions about how most people in the world relate to God and his gifts. With regard to those who do make some kind of attempt to serve God, I’ve observed that there are basically three kinds of believers in this world. They’ve compartmentalized the sphere of all their resources, whether time, talent, or treasure, and haven’t brought these under the Lordship of Christ. 1. Earthly-minded Believers The first category of people I’ve identified is a large one, perhaps because it requires the least thought.  These believers accept what God has given them and use their resources for their own comfort, pleasure, and personal gratification. The Earthly-minded Believer sees money the way nearly everyone else does. He wants to keep as much of ...

Find Rest!

Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. (Matthew 11:29) Find Rest Sometimes the pressures of life can cause unnecessary stress. So many people these days lose sleep worrying about things or people in their lives, but God wants us to live a life of rest and peace. When Jesus walked on this earth, He took time away from the crowds. He spent time with the Father. He found rest. He was gentle and humble in heart. Do you ever notice that when you are stressed out or worrying about something, you’re less tolerant of the people around you? You’re more likely to say something you don’t really mean. God wants you to cast your cares on Him so that you can live with a gentle and humble attitude toward others. When you learn to release your burdens and follow the example that Jesus gave, you will be refreshed and find rest for your soul and peace in your heart. A Prayer for Today "Heavenl...