Submit Your Thought Life to the Spirit

“The mind of sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace.” (Romans 8:6, NIV84) The battle for control of our lives is won or lost in our head. Whoever controls our mind ultimately controls us and our behavior. The Apostle John tells us that the whole world is under the sway of the evil one. Therefore, it is all important that we make sure the Holy Spirit is in control of our thinking and attitudes. Think for a moment of your mind as a compass needle. It can point in four main directions: CHRIST being north, WORLD being west, SELF being south, and MAN being east. We always want our needle pointing north! We must make a decision to keep moving in that direction. It will require discipline to focus on the “things above” and to keep our lives hidden in Christ. If we allow our compass to point to the WORLD, SELF, or MAN, we will get lost and fail to carry out the work that God has for us....