
Spoken Faith!

  For you, God, tested us; you refined us like silver. Psalm 66:10 Spoken Faith Before you see the promises of God fulfilled in your life, there will always be tests. Before you go into your promised land, there will be giants and fortified cities, things that look impossible. One way your faith is released is through what you’re saying in times of testing. Your mind will tell you all the reasons it’s not going to happen, and the temptation is to start speaking negatively. That gives life to the doubts and limits what God will do. Don’t let that happen. Speak what God says in His Word about you. Let your words of faith override the doubts. Speak faith when every thought is telling you, “It’s never going to work out. I don’t have what it takes.” You can talk about how bad it’s been, or you can say, “Father, thank You that You have beauty for these ashes. What was meant for harm, You’re turning to my advantage. I’m excited about my future.” That’s what causes God to go to work. That’s wh

The World Is Passing Away!

  The World Is Passing Away The world is passing away with all its desires, but the person who does the will of God remainsforever.   ( 1 John 2:17) This verse reminds us that the world we live in is passing away, but the person who does the will of God will live forever. These words hit me like a bullet between the eyes. In my own life, many of things I considered important over the years are now gone! The company I worked for is now gone. Boards of companies I served on are now gone. Some of my friends are now gone.  Our bodies are temporary. Let’s face it: we are only leasing them, having to turn them in at the end of the lease term. The Bible has many references regarding the brevity of life. Psalm 144:4 tells us, “[People] are like a breath; their days are like a fleeting shadow.” Our life is like a breath that passes by and does not return. That is really brief! However, all of us who have accepted Christ into our life now have a relationship with a heavenly father. And we are go

Be Patient in Trouble!

  Be glad for all God is planning for you. Be patient in trouble, and prayerful always. Romans 12:12 Be Patient in Trouble it’s no coincidence that the apostle Paul connected “be glad for all God is planning for you” with “be patient in trouble.” That’s because in trouble, in difficulties, and in delays, you’ll be tempted to get discouraged and think, “The medical report is too bad. I had this setback in my career. It’s never going to work out.” None of that is a surprise to God. You don’t know the solution God has already planned. You don’t know where He’s taking you. Be patient in trouble. Be prayerful in trouble. The trouble is not permanent. The trouble is not how your story ends. God wouldn’t allow the difficulty if He wasn’t going to bring you out better. The Scripture says, “God makes everything beautiful in its time.” Give God the time to work it out. Just because you don’t see anything happening doesn’t mean God is not working. Behind the scenes right now, He’s lining up every

Be a Converterlator!

  Be a Converterlator “ Here’s the lesson: Use your worldly resources to benefit others and make friends. Then, when your earthly possessions are gone, they will welcome you to an eternal home. ” (Luke 16:9) In  KingdomNomics,  one of the principles we have emphasized is that we are engaged in leveraging the perishable into the imperishable. We are agents of change, transformers who are experiencing an earthly life now that will also echo into eternity. We have developed a new word with its various renditions to describe what we are doing:  converterlating . We are  Converterlators , people who are converting the perishable into the imperishable. People who are using our worldly resources to benefit others and make an impact on eternity. If you are a Converterlator, you are engaged in converterlating your time, talent, and treasure to bring about change. The Bible is our greatest resource in determining how best to use our earthly resources. Once we have made that determination, the Ho


  Sovereign God, you are my shepherd. You search for me, rescue me when I stray, and restore me to your presence. Thank you for your steadfast love and care and for feeding and nourishing me each day with your holy Word. Amen.

Don’t Forfeit Your Future for Today!

  Don’t Forfeit Your Future for Today Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs.  (Jonah 2:8) When we decide to cling to “worthless idols” instead of following God-given directives, our lives can be shortened or destroyed. A self-driven life forfeits what possibly could have been a great future for the rubble of temporary pleasures. And idols can present themselves in many forms. This principle is demonstrated over and over in the Bible: Cain was jealous of Abel, killing him in anger to appease his own emotions, and was thus a wanderer for the rest of his life (Genesis 4:1–12). Esau traded his birthright for a bowl of stew (Genesis 25:27–34). Achan and his entire family were stoned to death because Achan disobeyed the Lord by taking and hiding silver in his tent when the Hebrews attacked the city of Ai as they entered the Promised Land (Joshua 7). Absalom shortened his life by rebelling against his father, King David (2 Samuel 15–18).  King Belshazzar, t


  Shepherding God, may I reach out today to those I encounter who are in need. Guard me against selfish desires. May my words and actions this day reflect your tender love and care. Amen.