

                                                                   The Last Laugh Jesus said, “I will make them come and bow down before your feet, and make them know that I have loved you.”   —Revelation 3:9  Yeshua promised that as we cling to Him and make Him the Lord of our lives, He will cause us to reign over our enemies—over all those who have accused us, every spirit that has condemned us, and everyone who has mocked us! God is going to bring our lives to a triumphant conclusion, but until then we must continue to hold on and stay strong.  Nothing past, present, or future is capable of keeping God from fulfilling His word. Paul said God is “able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think.” We have to filter everything through the reality that God is limitless, invincible, ...

A New Way of Living!

  A New Way of Living Scripture: Deuteronomy 17:16 “ But… the Lord has said to you, ‘You shall not return that way again.’ ” (Deuteronomy 17:16) After the wise men’s encounter with the newborn King, the Lord instructed them to return to their homeland by a different route. Things change when Jesus Christ assumes control of our lives.  We become new creations and are transformed into instruments for service to God. We abandon the old ways of doing things. We no longer try to earn our way to God through works. Instead of living the law of the flesh, we live by the law of faith. We become ambassadors for Christ. As we practice the concepts of  soak ,  sow ,  and  flow   (explained in the book,  Kingdom  of God ), our attitudes, thinking, and behavioral patterns change. The love of Christ compels us to live in harmony with the will of God. Even though we are wasting away outwardly, we discover we are being renewed inwardly daily. As we consider t...

Who Do You Think You Are?

                                       Who Do You Think You Are? “The fear of human opinion disables; trusting in GOD protects you from that.” Proverbs 29:25  If you don’t want to just drift through your life and, instead, you want to break out of discouragement and despair and depression, then you’re going to have to learn to tune some people out. You’re going to have to disregard the people around you who say, “Who do you think you are? You’ll never be able to do that. Forget that dream. It’s never going to happen. You’re never going to be able to change.” You have to pay no attention to the dream-busters in your life—and there will be plenty of them. When you start listening to them, you’re going to be filled with fear, anxiety, and doubt. It will keep you from launching out and going after the dream God has given you. You cannot please God and everybody else at the same time! You...

Keep Moving!

  Keep Moving! Scripture: Exodus 14:15 “ The Lord said to Moses, ‘Why do you cry to me? Tell the people of Israel to go forward. ’” (Exodus 14:15) A paper weight on my desk has the inscription, “Don’t wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it!” In practicing  Kindom  of God, we aggressively look for ways to invest our talents for the advancement of the Kingdom of God. People often make the mistake of waiting for their ship to come in – hoping for something to come their way. Good intentions alone are not enough to accomplish any worthwhile objective. Perhaps the Lord is saying, “Stop waiting for your ship; start swimming!” Someone said it is a lot easier to steer a moving car than one that is standing still. As we participate in worthwhile Kingdom efforts, we can more easily see how the Lord is guiding us to the places where we can be the most productive. We need to be alert to areas in which the Spirit of God is moving and blessing the efforts being made on his behal...


                               RISE TO THE LEVEL OF FAITH I have fought the good fight, I have finished the course, I have kept the faith. —2 Timothy 4:7 The “good fight” Paul speaks of is the war of faith. Every day, we can either respond to life’s challenges in faith, or in fear and doubt. The choice is ours. We must warfare to rise to the level of faith by reminding ourselves of God’s goodness and the integrity of His Word. We must not yield to the powerful forces of darkness, disregarding the promises of the Scriptures. If we do, we will find ourselves in a state of doubt and confusion, leading to depression and destruction. So our challenge is to approach every day waging the good fight of faith. You see, every time I’m faced with a problem, I can either panic, complain, and speak words of bitterness, or I can say, “Thank You, Father God, for using everything in my life to bring me to the next level in ...

Where’s Your Permanent Home?

  Where’s Your Permanent Home? Scripture: Hebrews 11:16 “ Instead, they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them. ” (Hebrews 11:16) Being heavenly minded, but earthly sensitive, is a core principle in practicing  Kingdom . What does that mean? It means that we know we’re passing through this temporary world on the way to our permanent home in heaven. With that in mind, we make choices in light of investing the three Ts –  time, talent, and treasure  – for the advancement of God’s kingdom. Those who came before us did the same thing. Hebrews 11 lists people of faith who, from the beginning of time, chose to listen to God and guided their lives accordingly. The list included Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abram, and Moses. They willingly exchanged many of the temporary pleasures of this world so they could inherit the promises made to them by God. In faith, they looked forward to heav...


                                                       LISTEN TO THE SPIRIT For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. —Romans 8:14 It took me a long time to start minding the checks from Father. The Holy Spirit would be giving me a subtle witness in my spirit, telling me, “No, don’t do that.” But I wouldn’t pay attention. I would just do it anyway. Eventually I realized this was hurting me and, more importantly, hurting Father. And slowly over time, I learned to pay attention to those subtle checks of the Holy Spirit. Perhaps you’re the same way. Maybe God is checking you about certain things in your life—a relationship, your words, your diet, your attitude, or a financial decision—but you’re not paying attention, so you keep finding yourself surrounded by chaos. Being led by God’s Spirit is a matter of learning to heed ...