
Son Power at Work!

  Son Power at Work The late Dr. Bill Bright once wrote, “The more we walk in the power of the Holy Spirit and allow Him to guide and control our lives, the more Christ’s character will shine in what we say and do.”(1) That’s what I want for my life, for the Son to be shining in all that I say and do. My Heart’s Goal I frequently begin my day by asking our heavenly Father to direct my heart toward his grace and love. I want my heart to be prepared so that I am ready to have communion with the Holy Spirit. The Spirit knows the mind of God, and he is the deliverer of all that God desires for me to know about my life and living for him. He is the one who teaches me all things and also empowers me to do what God desires. It is vital that I keep my heart and mind open to him. He enlightens me, enables me, teaches me, and imparts his life to me. As we consistently reflect upon God’s Word, we experience communion with the Holy Spirit and receive his revelation. This positions us to have the H

Fresh and Green!

The righteous will flourish like a palm tree, they will grow like a cedar of Lebanon; planted in the house of the LORD, they will flourish in the courts of our God. They will still bear fruit in old age, they will stay fresh and green. Psalm 92:12–14 Fresh and Green If you want to stay passionate and flourishing, you have to stay productive. You have to have a reason to get out of bed in the morning. When you’re not producing, you’re not growing. When you quit being productive, you start slowly dying. Don’t let a disappointment, a hurt, or a bad break cause you to sit back in self-pity and lose your passion. Shake off what didn’t work out. Quit mourning over what you’ve lost. A full life is still in front of you. You have not danced your best dance. You have not laughed your best laugh. You have not dreamed your best dream. Some people quit living at fifty, but we don’t bury them until they are eighty. They lost their joy and stopped enjoying life. Don’t let that be you. You may retire

Jesus Christ Is Our Power


Lion Proof

But when D aniel learned that the law had been signed, he went home and knelt down as usual in his upstairs room, with its windows open toward Jerusalem. He prayed three times a day, just as he had always done, giving thanks to his God. Daniel 6:10 Lion Proof Daniel was serving the king of Persia and was noted as having an excellent spirit and great wisdom. He consistently maintained his faith while living in a foreign land and refused to waver even when the king issued a decree that no one could pray to anyone but him. Despite the threats, he kept praying to Jehovah and ended up being thrown into the lions’ den. But when you have this attitude of faith, God will fight your battles for you. He sent an angel to close the mouths of the lions. That’s what happens when you live your days exercising your faith. When you’re in a difficult situation, you rest in faith knowing that the same God who kept Daniel safe in the lions’ den has put a hedge of protection around you. You don’t shrink ba

Son Power is Anchored in God’s Word!

                                 Son Power is Anchored in God’s Word The Word of God is like a diamond; it has many facets. Its applications are numerous. It is living and powerful, and it works in those who receive and trust in it as God’s revealed will for us. We can read passages multiple times, and depending on our needs at the moment, we can discover a new or different application that speaks to our heart and specific situation. Once we enter into a relationship with God, an expanded viewpoint of how his Word works in us and through us enables us to take one verse, a series of verses, or even verses that are related but in different parts of the Bible, and study them together, applying them directly to the circumstances in our life. This approach often leads to a deeper understanding and multiple strategies for making Son-powered living a reality in our life. In the very first  Kingdom of God  book I outlined the principle of “Soak, Sow, and Flow.”  We need to  soak  our minds in

Keep Your Vision in Front of You!

  “What are you, mighty mountain? Before Zerubbabel you will become level ground. Then he will bring out the capstone to shouts of ‘God bless it! God bless it!’” Zechariah 4:7 Keep Your Vision in Front of You In Ezra 4, Zerubbabel was leading the Israelites who had returned from exile in rebuilding the temple. He laid the foundation, but then enemies came against him and forced him to stop. For ten years no work was done. Then the prophet Zechariah told him to get the capstone, which was reserved to be the last piece of stone that went into the building. Why was it important for Zerubbabel to keep the capstone in front of him? Because every time he was discouraged and thought it was impossible to finish the job, seeing it was a reminder that God would finish what He started. That was God saying to him, “I’m going to bring it to pass. Just stay in faith.” What are you believing God for? Keep your vision in front of you. Find something that is symbolic of that dream, something that inspi

A True Desire for Experiencing Son Power!

  A True Desire for Experiencing Son Power As you consider your  desire  for experiencing Son Power, is it fueled by intentionality? Is your desire a  wish  or is it actually a  goal  that you are willing to pursue? Are you simply thinking about the power of God in your life, or are you truly positioning yourself to experience it? I’ve met many people who have wishes for their lives. They are waiting for something to happen. To me, a true desire is something we are willing to work for. I am not talking here about earning God’s favor, I am addressing the need for each one of us to develop a yearning in our hearts for God’s presence and power to actively empower us; a longing that results in us seeking after God. It is an intentionality that sets us on the course for pursuing God. Yogi Berra, the renowned baseball player and coach once said, “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.”  When we have a true  desire  to experience Son Power, we know where we are g